

General information and links

Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills.

They report directly to Parliament and they are independent and impartial. They inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
Every week, they carry out hundreds of inspections and regulatory visits throughout England, and publish the results on their website.

Their main website can be found HERE.

For a summary of our most recent results and how they compare to national performance you can view our Data Dashboard, click HERE.

To provide feedback to Ofsted on the school then you can do so through ‘ParentView’. We’d encourage all parents, including those with positive messages to participate, as it helps us as well as Ofsted to get a feel for what we’re doing well and what we need to work on from your perspective. Please click HERE.

View our Ofsted report HERE.